[03.25.18] How Far We've Come: Sixers In The Playoffs (Almost), Brett Brown Coach Of The Year Candidate
Imagine enjoying a sport in Philadelphia.
It seems like just yesterday the Sixers were trying to avoid becoming the losingest team of all-time while we argued that it was the right thing. Here we are with the team at 42-30, and as the team "nobody wants to play in the playoffs." We talk about the journey from there to here, Brett Brown as a possible coach of the year candidate, and the team's recent win streak. We also discussion the notion of restitution from national media from the last five years.
Oh by the way, the Lottery Party sold out in a few hours. We thank you so much. There is a possibility of more tickets. We'll keep you informed.
The Lottery Party shirts are here! The shirts themselves are higher quality than ever. You must order by April 23rd at 8pm to guarantee delivery by the party. Click here to learn all about the shirts, or click on the shirts below to order them (the two black shirts are also available in heather grey).