Josh Richardson might be the most valuable trade piece the Sixers have. SixersAdam, in full offseason mode, came up with five trades. Brought to you by our friend The Process Realtor, Adam Ksebe.

Stop the spread of Covid-19 with the piece of merch we were always meant to make, the Ricky mask. We're looking to go to print this week! Washable, two ply, 100% cotton weirdness at $12.99.

Philly legend G. Love joined us on a brand new Ricky to talk Iverson and the Love From Philly festival. We also found out disturbing news about a bachelor party that both Mike and Howard Eskin attended.

Andrew Unterberger is joyfully stuck in a paralell universe that the Sixers are still playing in. They tied up their series with the Miami Heat 2-2, and Ben Simmons did something, more than once, that will make you smile.
And some other stuff...
* The newest album in the Carl Landry Record Club is Gang Of Youths' Go Farther In Lightness. It was suggested by listener Richard Gerschwitz. Listen by Sunday! Here are the albums we've already reviewed.
* There will be a new album Wednesday night with some special guests, and we'll also talk about this news regarding Mark Eversley.
Finally, we've got some really nice emails thanking us for continuing to do the podcast during the shutdown. It's been great therapy, and we thank you for taking the ride with us. We won't forget it.