The Opening Tip
Hello and Happy Friday! It's the Corner Three!
Please, Daryl
The Best Music Of 2021 Playlists

Here is Mutlu's Best of 2021 playlist, and here is Spike's Best of 2021 playlist. We want your favorite music of 2021 so we can post it on the Carl Landry Record Club site! Send your five favorite songs of the year to carllandryrecordclub@gmail.com. The year end episode with Spike, Mutlu, AU and Jason will be out next week. You can subscribe to the podcast right here.
Oh Yeah, The Sixers

A Few Things...
1. This team just isn't good enough.
They don't have an identity, they are not well coached and they just exist. I honestly understand people pining for a stealth tank season. It's one thing to lose at home, but to lose to a team that generally hates you and you generally hate, and was without their three best players, I think was finally my breaking point. I have zero expectation for the rest of this season. They are a bad team that is way more than just a Ben Simmons trade away and I'm no at the point where I'm surprised when they play well. I understand that this is also a team currently without its theoretical second best player and they'd still be flawed with him but man. I actually now see why Draymond Green was upset that they lost Saturday, everybody probably thinks the Sixers fucking stink.
2. M A X E Y
He's the only thing keeping me tuning in. Positive story of the Heat game, played alot better with Embiid on the floor. He's the best. I can't believe he fell to 21.
3. What Fucking Professional Basketball Team Can't Play Against A Zone
The Sixers.
4. Doc's Troubles
He should and does get a lot of blame for how flat this team consistently comes out to start games and how they just look awful for long stretches but I'm also starting to think that he's tapped out in ways to motivate and maximize this talent which says alot about him and the front office that constructed the roster.

From the brilliant folks who brought you Stateside Vodka Sodas, we bring you the debut of Surfside Iced Tea and Vodka, because iced tea shouldn't have bubbles. 100 calories, only three total carbs, and absolutely no carbonation.
The Rest From The Best
And now..we literally just wait. While the other shoe has yet to drop, Sixers Adam has the odds and chances for every team in the league in a potential Ben Simmons trade.
If the Sixers are playing a shorthanded team it's actually almost a guaranteed loss, as the weird history of this team goes. Here's 10 teams you absolutely hate to play against shorthanded from our guy AU.
The Sixers are pedestrian, and without Joel Embiid, downright terrible. Mike O'Connor has the bad and ugly.
Charity Spotlight

Built of, by, for, and with the communities it serves, PYB’s unique equity-building model combines engaging group activities and Sport & Society modules with real-world life lessons – from health and wellness to personal growth and leadership. This holistic approach to youth development hinges on the accessible, culturally credible Coach-Mentors at PYB, many of whom come from the same neighborhoods and circumstances as the young people we serve.
PYB does incredible work throughout the region for young men and women, read more about their programs and mission here.
Peace, Love and Process
Do something nice for someone this weekend and Go Birds
