Unbanned Kevin O'Connor (Ringer) On Tom Brady, No Basketball, Basketball, And Music He Loves
He’s unbanned again but it’s because of the beard.
Kevin O’Connor of The Ringer was unbanned because of his beard and sweetness and talked about what he’s doing with his free time, the fact that the Patriots should have kept Jimmy G and traded Tom Brady and then he did a WEEI audition, the Sixers playoff rotation, who his favorite guitar player ever is, up and coming female pop artists, and he has to choose the winners of two matchups of the Field Of 64 Jigsaws.
This is a tough time for everyone, and we beg you to support our local small business sponsors, Big Barker, Adam Ksebe (Realtor who can help you refinance!), Colony Meadery, LL Pavorsky, Adam Kornblau, Kinetic Skateboarding. They supported us and they need it from you now.
As well, please support our great charities, Providence Animal Center, Coded By Kids and the Brandywine SPCA. Remember, by supporting them, you’re helping to keep the people who work there employed.